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Crimes Behind Stall Doors: Cell phone use on the jon

Crimes Behind Stall Doors: Cell phone use on the jon
Confession Session #1
I have sat in groups where I’ve witnessed brutal mockery towards people who text while sitting on the toilet. I laugh. I jest. I snicker right along with them—all the while secretly acknowledging to myself that I am guilty of such acts.
With how busy our lives are these days it is just more convenient to text, check your messages, or play games on your phone at a time of rest; at a time when you are alone. And sometimes it is a well-needed distraction. Am I right?
Now—talking on the phone while on the Jon—that’s a whole other ball of wax in which I do not dare engage...unless of course, I am 100% confident in this person's opinion of me . I have yet to come up with a convincing preparative response, because I wouldn’t want whomever I was talking to knowing where I really was, as to why someone may hear a flush or flow from the faucet. I (to my benefit) am a horrible liar.
In addition, I contest that the ridicule is much worse if you are female. For reasons unbeknownst to myself, when it comes to things of a *pottistual nature—it is much more socially acceptable if you possess a Y chromosome (are a guy). Even though the female body functions, digestively speaking, in the same manner as a fella’s, her natural utilities are much more likely to make one blush. I suppose it goes against our suggested and supposed societal rules of being dainty and elegant; neither of which I am.
I may only be writing this entry to justify my behaviors. Perhaps I seek to find other voices who will confess their “crimes behind stall doors” in regards to using mobile telephones ( other confessions...really!). Sometimes a girl just needs that added validation.
How do you feel about this matter? Is it OK or is it not OK to engage in cellular phone use of any kind while sitting on the pot? Have you come up with explanations for people?
Thanks for reading all the way through. Heaven knows that makes you brave!
Please feel free to share this article on Facebook.
Amy Pearce
P.S. I forgot to mention how grateful I am that my phone has never dropped in the toilet.
Pottistual- adj. –root word “Potty”. Things relating to bathroom or toilet talk.

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