Funny videos

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Double Dream Hands - I dare you not to love this!

Ugly Face

Also, don't forget to check out:

Conditional love at its finest.

My, my- how MTV has changed!

Woman falls into a fountain while texting

I'm sorry, but I had to.

How can you not love this?

The goal? To be laughing like this lady:

Charlie Bit Me- Auto Tuned. The song gets stuck in my head.

An Experiment

Funny Fart

Marcell the Shell with Shoes On

This kid just needs a hug!

With or without kids- I think we can all relate to this little guy. Poor thing.

Being scared of clowns is cool!

Well said William, well said.

Japenese people know how to pull a good prank.

Waterbed prank.

Beaver face. Try it.

Know of any other funny videos? 

Also, don't forget to check out: